Living A Good Story

Special Note: Today I am taking part in a blog series on Prodigal Magazine. You should check out the other articles from a list of incredible bloggers. You can submit you own article there as well. Just go here. 

If you have been around here before you probably know that I am a huge fan of Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and the concept of living a good story. I’ve credited all three with changing the way I think, and the way I live. So when Darrell mentioned this Prodigal Magazine series on what it means to live a good story I had to say ‘yes.’

“A good story helps us answer the question: Is life worth engaging?” — Donald Miller

An element that has appeared throughout my story {more so in recent months and years} is suspense, intrigue, and the disarming appearance of the unexpected. No one could call my path predictable. And no one would find my story engaging without its twists and turns.

Last Monday, I announced that I will be leaving California to move back to Nashville. When I made the decision nine months ago to pick up and leave the home where I felt so safe, secure, and comfortable, I thought my Orange County adventure would be a lot more…permanent. Truth be told, I thought I would settle in, meet a kind man who liked the way I say ‘y’all’, and slowly but surely embrace the lifestyle, the culture, and even the vernacular, but what I expected wasn’t what was in the cards.

My California adventure wasn’t the fairytale I had assumed, instead it was a much-needed season of restoration and reflection.

And now…unpredictably, unexpectedly, intriguingly, I’m scheming the second cross country move in less than a year.

And so…as excited and as hopeful as I am about the future, I know I can’t even fathom what’s next. But that’s what makes life fun and that’s what makes my story engaging.

The epic stories that I want to read, and watch, over and over again aren’t boring, predictable, or comfortable, so why should my story be? 

What’s a recent twist and turn in your story? Have you learned to appreciate the unpredictable-ness of life, and of God? 

And a special announcement…

As a part of my new unexpected adventure, I get to travel to Ethiopia {my first trip to Africa EVER – insert squeal here} from July 9th through the 16th. I can not wait to travel with some old friends and meet some new ones, to see firsthand the work of Food for the Hungry, to interact with a little boy I just sponsored and his family, and to blog stories so you can all share in this journey with me. So please go here to learn more about the trip and the incredible bloggers that I am traveling with. And go here to consider sponsoring a child with Food for the Hungry in Ethiopia. We’ll be meeting these kids so if you do choose sponsorship prior to the trip, shoot me an email to so that I can keep an eye out for the new additions to your family.

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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

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