For the last almost-three weeks I have been in Dallas, trying to keep track of the time as it flies by.
The bulk of the first two weeks was spent enjoying my three nieces who were visiting from their home in Raleigh. We had so much fun, experiencing a Texas safari, swimming every afternoon at the pool, and boating on Lake Texoma. Those girls have some energy. I have a new appreciation for moms everywhere!
And then last week was filled up with coffee dates {nope, not that kind}, lunch meetings, and the Echo Conference. One of the highlights was having the opportunity to introduce some friends to my parents, show them where I grew up, and serve them one of my dad’s famous margaritas. Good times.
The last couple of days things have settled down and I am getting ready to disappear for some much-needed alone time. Tomorrow I am heading to the lake for a couple of days to read, think, process, dream, and finally finish some homework a friend gave me in January {yep, just call me slacker}.
Then, Friday, Nashville.
Oh, how I’ve missed Nashville.
What’s going on in your world? Is your summer flying by too?
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