Tom Davis, Children’s Hope Chest
HopeChest is a thriving international ministry to orphans, connecting them to the life transforming power of community-based relationships with Christians in the U.S. and Canada.
Trafficking is quickly becoming the biggest crime business in the world, replacing drugs and arms.
“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” John 10:10
3 Reasons Traffickers Target Orphans
They are easy prey.
There is a limited support system. So rare for police to get involved because no one cares. End up in unmarked graves “unknown boy” or “unknown girl”.
They are very impressionable, gullible. They truly believe this is their way out, this is their break.
3 Ways to Stop Trafficking
Prevention: The foundation is healthy relationships…through our engagement with orphans, and creating healthy indigenous environments. Average cost is $25-30/month over prolonged period of time (Child Sponsorship Model).
Rescue: Coming in and saving children from traffickers. Average rescue costs $7,500 per child.
Restoration: Therapy programs. Restricting rescues because there are not enough places to send kids. Average costs are $1,000 per month for 24-36 months.
We need to build healthy ongoing relationships with orphans to prevent spiritual and emotional depravity that often leads to trafficking.
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