Several years ago I found myself suddenly dating a boy that had been my best friend for years. Making that transition was tough.
I was scared to let someone who was so close to me come closer. I was all too familiar with the worst case scenario. Plus, I had watched him jump from one failed relationship to another and was a little too familiar with his tendency to bail when things intensified. All this left me feeling…petrified.
He sensed my walls and knew that they were going to keep us from ever really knowing what might be.
“I will never hurt you.”
The words, the promise, slipped out of his mouth so easily.
And I naively took them to heart.
After all, this could be “it.”
Turns out this wasn’t in fact “it.”
A year later, I found myself angrily questioning how things could have gone so wrong, how I could have left myself so vulnerable to heart break, and how his promise had turned out to be nothing more than a big fat lie.
Today, if I know anything, I know that the promise he made is a promise that no one can keep.
We hurt people. We do. We hurt people we love. We hurt people unintentionally. And if we are honest, on rare occasions, we hurt people intentionally.
We are broken. And hence, so are our promises.
What promises have you made that you couldn’t keep?
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