A couple of weeks ago, my sister sent me this quote by Henri Nouwen. (Because that is type of well-read, thoughtful sister she is.)
Somewhere we know that without a lonely place our lives are in danger. Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, without distance closeness cannot cure. Somewhere we know that without a lonely place our actions quickly become empty gestures. The careful balance between silence and words, withdrawal and involvement, distance and closeness, solitude and community forms the basis of Christian life and should therefore be the subjects of our most personal attention. Let us therefore look somewhat closer, first at our life in action, and at our life in solitude.
Out of Solitude, Henri Nouwen
This evening, I did a quick little Google search to discover what I should already know about Nowen. I read what he had to say about caring for others. Then I read what he had to say about solitude, community and ministry. And without skipping a beat, I hopped over to Amazon to order a copy of Out of Solitude. Because I so want to learn to embrace moments that are just me and my Gods, to live a life with space to breathe, recharge, dream, and connect, to revel in the juxtaposition between solitude and community, to be better acquainted with that which is known somewhere.
Have you read Out of Solitude? Or other Nouwen books? What did you think?
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