Today I’m guest posting over on the Catalyst blog. They talk mostly about leadership. And the church. And personal development. It is one of my favorite resources. But when they asked me to share something I was stumped. I quickly realized I am more comfortable talking about all the things I don’t know, instead of the things I do. So I decided to write about a great piece of advice that I learned from my boss and resident leadership expert, Michael Hyatt.
I work for a leadership sage. Really, I do. Five days a week, I roll out of bed and stumble to work where I have the opportunity to learn about publishing, communication, and life from a man who has earned every bit of his extraordinary influence.
And so I hear a lot of nuggets.
I should do a better job of documenting the greatness, of soaking up every word he utters. Unfortunately, like anything that is bestowed in abundance, most days his words are digested and not properly savored.
But one day, several weeks ago, as he spoke to a group of Owen Graduate School of Management students, Michael Hyatt shared the best piece of advice I’ve ever heard, (click here to continue reading).
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