I usually don’t pay that much attention to brands.
I just buy whatever is cheapest, or most convenient.
But I must go on record saying that there are a few notable exceptions. There are a handful of brands that I am happy to spend more money on, brands that I go out of my way to consume.
Soft Drinks: Coke or Dr. Pepper
Bottled Water: Smart Water
Make-Up: Laura Mercier
Deodorant: Dove
Toothpaste: Colgate
Personal Computer: Mac
Fast-Food: Chick-Fil-A
And the one that gets me the most fired up…
Ketchup: Heinz
(You don’t want to see what happens when I am served the wrong kind of ketchup. ;))
How about you? What brands are you most loyal to?
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.