I am pretty skilled in this. Not that it is something to brag about. Maybe my “impression management” skills make me more qualified to be in communications? Maybe it is my WOO factor? But maybe they keep me from ever really feeling completely known?
Here, on the blog, I have figured out how to reveal enough that I seem transparent while leaving out the tidbits that I fear might send you packing.
There are a few things I have conveniently left out. (Like my oh-so-random love for green wigs.)
Don’t get me wrong. I am here. I am honest. I am authentic. What you see is what you get. But there are things I have left out for the sake of “impression management.” Please forgive me. I am just a work in progress. Adding one more thing to my to-do list.
Do you struggle with this? Is there anything you have omitted lately?
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.