So, it is time you all found out the truth about me. I used to be a serious bully. Really I was. I made kids cry at school, for sport. Check out this video for my “bully” story.
Cultivate Her – “Bullies” from Jenni Catron on Vimeo.
Pretty painful, huh?
Not to excuse my behavior, but the truth was that I was in a pretty bad place. We had moved and I was in unfamiliar territory, University Park Elementary School to be exact. I was insecure and really wanted to fit in, to be cool, to be liked, to be feared. And I was young, and unfortunately didn’t know more positive ways to channel my overwhelming feelings.
So I tore others down to make myself feel better, to make myself look better.
Candidly, even today when I feel insecure and overwhelmed, sometimes I find myself resorting to bullying ways. I just hide it better. A lot better.
Hopefully I am not alone in this. Your bullying story might not be as extreme as mine. But surely you have pushed someone around a time or two?
Please, someone? Say you were a bully too? Don’t make me beat it out of you? đ
PS – This video was filmed for the inaugural Cultivate Her event. The subject was “Bullying.” Check out Jenni’s blog for more information about upcoming events and how you can get involved.
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