Deconstructing Idea Camp, Part 1

Making my way towards California for Catalyst West and have finally found the first quiet time to begin to process, to deconstruct, everything I took in at Idea Camp: Orphan Care. What an incredible couple of days. I’m so glad I followed God’s nudging and ventured out to Northwest Arkansas (which surprisingly is a pretty incredible place).

I stayed with Amber and Seth Haines because they offered, and I have learned my favorite part of traveling and attending conferences is the relationships I bring home with me.  There is no better way to get to KNOW friends than being fully immersed in their lives. I loved waking up each morning and to non-stop questions from the 3 Haines boys. It took about a minute for them to steal my heart. Sadly the answer to “Lindsey, do you know what?” and “did you know?” always seemed to be “no.” But I left Saturday well-versed in all things Star Wars, Shrek 3, and even learned the difference between dying and “passing away”. You can’t get that kind of knowledge at a hotel!

And the conference, well, the conference was thought-provoking, mind-blowing, and perfectly overwhelming.

I went in looking for answers. (I always go in looking for answers.)

What are the different ways individuals can get involved with Orphan Care?

How can God use me to make a difference?

And even…Could I, should I, adopt a child…someday?

But left knowing only one thing for sure.

Conferences are not the place to go looking for answers. They are the place to go to encounter new people, to explore new ideas, and to stretch your preconceived notions.

When in search of answers, I need to look inside myself and to God and reconnect with who I am and where God is leading me.

In one rare moment of quiet and clarity, I heard God say, “Do the work. Figure it out. It’s all there. Dig for it.”

So that’s where I am.

Working, figuring, digging.

Are you like me and tend to look anywhere, everywhere, for answers that only God holds?

And for those who are interested in learning more about orphan care, tomorrow I will share my thoughts on what I heard from the experts who are in the trenches caring for orphans.



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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

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